Indian ‘warriors’ face police to back protesting farmers

On Thursday, Indian Sikh warriors, including some on horseback, gathered to protect protesting farmers who were halted by strong police barricades on their way to the capital, New Delhi. The farmers were demanding higher prices for their crops and other concessions, such as loan waivers and a law fixing a minimum crop price.

The farmers believed that dialogue was the path to a solution, but they faced police attacks while trying to advance. Despite repeated attempts to disperse them, the protesters remained resilient and determined to break through the metal spikes and concrete barricades that blocked their path. They expressed their message by writing slogans like “No farmer, no food” on the barriers.

The farmers’ progress was impeded by tear gas and drones dropping tear gas canisters whenever they approached the barricades. Alongside the farmers, a group of Nihangs, a historic warrior community known for defending the Sikh faith, joined to guard the demonstration. They considered themselves allies to the oppressed and were willing to risk their lives for the cause.

The Nihangs patrolled the barricades near the village of Shambhu, where the farmers had been stopped. These protests echoed similar ones in January 2021 when farmers used their tractors to break barriers and entered New Delhi during a year-long protest.

This time, the farmers’ tractors were blocked by concrete barriers and razor wire. The demonstrations took place ahead of upcoming national elections scheduled to begin in April. Agriculture plays a crucial role in India, providing livelihoods for two-thirds of the country’s population and contributing nearly a fifth of its GDP. However, farm incomes have remained stagnant for decades, and the sector requires investment and modernization.

The protests also included women farmers, who joined the thousands of men in voicing their demands peacefully. They felt that their demands were legitimate and expressed disappointment in the government’s response, which made them feel treated as enemies rather than citizens seeking dialogue.

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